Monday 9 July, 2007

Corporate Communication Relevance:

Corporate communication includes both external and internal communication. External communication, organization deals with existing and prospective customers, suppliers, investors, government, and public. Internal communication deals with employees, employers and managers. The importance of communication relevance when communicating with other corporate are:
• To understand the corporate needs.
• To gain corporate attention.
• To target the selective corporate group.
• To motivate
• To provide a superior corporate experience.

To create effective communication with with corporate, an organization should pay attention to many factors such as demand of customers, employees’ needs, etc. Communication relevance consists of four different parts they are messages, sender, receiver, and channel. Communication is the most essential part of any organization and the success totally depends upon the strength of the message and how the information flows within the organization.

21st Century trends:

In this century both quality and speed of communication are essential. This century can also be known as the communication century. Stephen P Borgatti has identified five key organizational trends. They are:


The companies can penetrate and compete in the international market apart from competing nationally. They can have access to many different countries because it enables to enlarge their domain and to spread risk at a larger customer potential. It vcan not only sell its products and services globally but also can manufacture and conduct research globally. In multinational corporations of the 21st century, manufacturing and sales offices are spread across the globe. The same happens with research: Improved quality and speed of international transportation and communication enables companies to conduct research globally. On their search for unsaturated markets, companies try to exploit regional cost and expertise differences. General Electric's Global Research makes use of employing scientists worldwide in its Global Research plants (


In a business context, appearance diversity, (ethnicity, gender, color, sexual orientation, body size) is approached as a strategy for improving employee retention and increasing consumer confidence. The "business case for diversity", as it is often phrased, is that in a global and diverse marketplace, a company whose staff embrace ethnic representation and gender composition which mirrors the demographics of the marketplace it serves is better equipped to thrive in that marketplace than a company whose appearance is out of step with its market's appearance. A diversity scheme refers to a method for improving the reliability of a message signal by utilizing two or more communication channels with different characteristics, in order to combat fading and interference.


The trend of flexibility means that organization systems, processes, and people must be able to respond differently to different situations.

Flat :

In this level of flat structure there are fewer levels of management and hierarchy. Employees got their own responsibilities to make decisions, and managers empower them to decide on their own. Thus, fewer managers are needed. If the working environment has a high degree of standardization, flat structures do not enlarge risks.
Experience: I work at Globals Inc where flexibility, quality and team work the principles practiced by the company.


Networking is very essential in the current scenario. Through networking we can build a strategic alliances, sharing information across boundaries, across cross functional teams, and to take decisions quickly. Through networking outsourcing and downsizing, decentralization and customization is possible.
The best example for customization is Dell. As it gives the customer what it wants.
Example for outsourcing is Kone elevator partnering with HP and SAP.

Friday 6 July, 2007

Communication Technologies:

The communication technology is changing dramatically from social, political and cultural perspectives. we are using various communication technologies of which some are more traditional and some are very technical know-how. New technologies are

Cell phone
Voice conference
satellite radio


Other new technologies can be divided into various parts - Electronic mass media contains digital television, cable television, direct broadcast satellites, pay television services, interactive television, streaming media and radio broadcasting. Computers and consumer electronics contains personal computer, mobile computing, interactive video game technologies, e-commerce, virtual and augmented reality, home video technology, digital audio and digital photography. Telephony communications are telephone, broadband networks, home networks, wireless telephony and teleconferencing.
As communication is known as the sharing of information, thoughts, and ideas, communication technology can be thought of as the use of knowledge, tools, and skills for the purpose of facilitating communication and also making it easier, more economical, and more efficient

Thursday 5 July, 2007

Corporate communication Function:

Identity, Image and Reputation

Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation play imperative role in any organization. It is very important for any organization to maintain their reputation among the customers, investors, employers, stakeholders, and among other people.

Image and Identity: Image is the corporation as seen through the eyes of its constituencies. Different constituencies can have different images on the organization. The organization’s identity should not diverge from one constituency to another. It consists of a company’s defining attributes, such as its people, products and services. Corporate identity is being composed of three parts:

Ø Corporate Design (Logos, Uniforms etc)
Ø Corporate Communication (Public relation, information, etc)
Ø Corporate Behavior(Internal values, norms, etc)

For example: When I see the logo of horse standing on two feet on stylish automobile, Ferrari comes to my mind.

Successful branding and reputation are defined to create trust, to build a strong a image and to communicate clearly.

The frame work of reputationMany companies use this method successfully to manage the identity process:

Conduct an identity audit
Set identity objectives
Develop design and names
Launch and communicate
Implement the program.

Corporate and product advertising:
Corporate advertising sells a company. It is consistent with mission and vision of the company and to seek benefit of the image on a long term. Corporate advertising is generally diversified into three categories: image advertising, financial advertising, and issue advocacy. Companies use advertising to:

v Reinforce identity or Enhance Reputation.
v Used to attract investments in order to increase its reputation which is often followed by higher sales and more profits.
v Used to influence Opinions

For Example: Microsoft

We see no dead ends.

Today, computer skills are essential to success. Microsoft Unlimited Potential grants are helping people in communities everywhere increase their digital literacy, giving them the tools they need to open new avenues to opportunity and reach their potential. Find out more at

Product Advertising is undertaken by companies seeking to increase sales of a particular product by emphasizing its features and benefits. Product advertising seems to be more ubiquitous. It is also used to build up the image of the corporate. The goal of product advertising is to target a special focus group by advertising a special product and increase the sales volume of that product.

For Example: iPhone features a rich HTML email client – The most advanced web browser ever on a portable device. It is the most preferable phone in the market.

Media Relations:

One of the most critical areas within any corporate communication function is the media relations department. The investors, suppliers, retailers, and consumers receive information through this department about and develop image of a company. It involves two-way communication between an organization and its public. The company’s strives to help their people to achieve their professional and personal goals through an inclusive environment that values everyone‘s contributions, appreciates diversity of thought, fosters growth, and provides continuous opportunities for development.

Example: The media relation specialist of “Earnest and Young” supports promotes and enhances its public identity by identifying, developing and executing strategic media plans consistent with the national marketing goals of the firm. The incumbent communicates creatively and effectively about Ernst & Young with reporters, editors, news directors, and producers of newspaper, television, radio, magazine, trade publication, and Internet outlets in a targeted and timely manner, using best practices.

The responsibilities to be performed to build a better relationship with media are:
Develops and leverages relationships with internal clients and media contacts in order to execute media relations plans.
Creates daily media monitoring reports.
Prepares media tracking reports and analyses.
Assesses the value of interview requests from the media, sources appropriate spokespeople and coordinates interviews.
Drafts for review and edits news releases, advisories, talking points, and media kits.
Develops and manages database of media contacts; builds targeted media lists for various initiatives.
Prepares executives for interviews ensuring that they have the information they need to represent their ideas and the firm’s position clearly and effectively.
Supports media relations projects and/or campaigns in accordance with goals and priorities of the Media Relations and National Marketing team.
Monitors and updates website newsroom and media release database.
Assists in the facilitation of media training for identified internal spokespeople.
Experience: My personal experience working at Globals Inc. I got a chance to face the media for one of the famous German news channel. During the interview I had to make sure that I answered to the point, I don’t reveal out more information than required. As I had to promote our services, I had to convey the public about the services that we offer in a short span of time. Over all it was a great experience which I can never forget in my life.

Internal Communication:

Internal communication plays a vital role in any organization. Nowadays, many organizations focus their attention on their own employees, as they contribute wholly to the success of the business than any other constituency. Internal communication is more important than external communication. It is also known as employee relations, it includes all communication within an organization.
Since 80’s and 90’s the internal communications department reports directly to the senior management in many organization and not to the human resource department. In some organization where the internal communication department has not been established as a separate communication function it may be coordinated by Human resources and Marketing departments.
Internal communication helps employees to understand the company’s vision, values and culture. The key steps in implementing an effective communication program are :
Communicate Up and Down: In upward communication every employee should give regular status reports to his/her supervisors. In downward communication every employee should receive a copy of the strategic plan and handbook that contains all up-to-date personnel policies, every employee should have a copy of his/her job description, and every employee should receive yearly performance reviews.

Face-to-face Meetings:

This can be achieved through holding face to face meetings with the employees at regular intervals, say once a week to discuss their problems.

Communicate online: Online communication is tremendously important in companies. Intranets are used as an important medium to communicate with the employees broadly and quickly.

Example: At IBM employees can log onto the discussion forum online and discuss issues real-time. The management used this technology to identify and formulate IBM’s new culture.

Create Employee oriented publication: It focuses on print communication. This is important when employees don’t have access to their e-mail access. In order to grab the employee’s attention it should be attractive and the employees should be informed with happenings beyond their surroundings.

Communicate Visually: As employees are becoming more visually oriented in their consumption of information as they prefer television and computer for the news rather than news paper.
For example: In my current organization Globals Inc video conference is scheduled every month with all the regional heads and with employees of different branches located in different countries in order to know the status of the company.

Focus on Internal Branding: It is important to build morale and work place where employees are engaged in their jobs. In times of mergers and acquisitions internal branding is critical. When internal audits reveal that the employees are not connecting with the company’s vision or when morale is low, internal branding campaign should be launched.
Article link

Company Grapevine: This is an informal communications network including everything from private conversations between two employees to the latest anecdotes shared in the cafeteria. We cannot neglect the importance of informal meetings it is as important as the formal communication. The senior management should be aware it is a “culture carrier” and visionary within the company. Their physical presence and interaction is important. They should coordinate with communication professionals to make sure their messages are received and understood by all employees.


Investor Relations:

The objectives of Investor Realtions are to explain the company’s vision, mission clearly to the potential investors, and its conduit constituencies, ensure that expectations of the company’s stock price are appropriate for its earnings prospects, the industry outlook, and the economy, and to reduce stock price volatility.

For example: Raymond’s which the top 10 Indian men’s wear brand the highest distributed fashion brand in the across India and has a dedicated network. It has a separate section where in it gives the detailed information of the revenues generated from each fabric and retail sectors and from the brands to their potential investors.


Crisis Communication:

Crisis is an unexpected event in any organization which creates problem for business. It may occur naturally which cannot be avoided. Those crisis caused by human error, intervention, malicious intent can be avoided. Crisis can include tangible devastation, such as the destruction of lives or assets; or intangible devastation, such as the loss of an organization’s response to tangible devastation or the result of human error.

There are several characteristics of crisis such as the element of surprise, insufficient information, the quick pace of events, intense scrutiny. Before crisis occurring, it is important to take necessary steps such as develop a crisis communication plan, create a crisis management team and create a crisis communication team, including spokespeople.

For example: The Sheetz tomato incident was taken care of, because they followed the steps to correct the situation and let the public know that the problem was taken care of. Sheetz pulled the tomatoes from their menus, found the source of the problem, changed their operations, and put their president out front in a press conference, in which he ate a sandwich with tomatoes on it to prove that the tomatoes were now safe.

Wednesday 4 July, 2007

Communication Theories
Communication is information-related behavior which is necessary for life process. The three common settings of communication are
  • Interpersonal: This process involves four basic elements; sender who sends the information, Receiver who receives the information, Message content of information, feedback response from the receiver.
  • Machine-assisted: Here the information is exchanged through various electronic gadgets like cell phone, fax etc

  • Mass communication: Here the information is to be conveyed to large group of scattered audiences. The medium used to communicate is the print media and television.
Models of communication:

Lasswell’s model: In 1948 Harold Lasswell a political scientist proposed a linear model which explains “Who says what to whom in what channel with what effect.”

Shannon and Weaver’s Model: He was known as the father of Information Theory, he proposed this model in 1949. The model consists of information source, where the message may consist of written or spoken words, pictures, music etc. He introduced the term noise, and a compensating correction channel.

Schramm’s Model:

First model:

In 1954 Wilbur Shramm proposed a model which was an elaboration to the Shannon model. Here the source encodes the message and it is transmitted to the receiver where it decodes the message and reaches the destination. Here the information is encoded and decoded in a common way so that both the receiver and the sender can interpret easily.

Second Model:
In his model he is introduced the idea of field of experience. This concept is essential in determining whether or not the message would reach its destination in the manner intended by the source.

Third Model:

In this model he introduced the concept of feedback to over come the problem of distortion of messages due to noise.

Westley-MacLean Model

Bruce Westley and Malcolm MacLean, Jr. proposed the two way communication model. This model elaborates the feedback concept and emphasizes on internal communication and mass communication. Here the advocates choose to comment which is picked up by the media and later on it is picked up by the audience and they give the comment to the media and the advocates.

Kincaids’s Convergence Model:

Lawrence Kincaid proposed this model in 1979, to make sure that information is understood, interpreted and perceived by individuals. This model emphasizes on the exchange of information between individuals.

Sunday 24 June, 2007

Corporate Communication

Chapter 1

The Changing Environment for Business

This chapter speaks about the rise in disparities in the early 1920's which resulted in unstable economic conditions and this led to Great Depression. In this chapter the author speaks about the role of communication and technology has strengthned communication channels. It is also played a vital role in creating Global Village. It focuses on the basic principles of how to compete in a changing business environment, viz ;

1) By recognizing the changing environment. ie, to have a long term strategy.
2) Adapt to the environment without compromising principles. ie, to attain their goals and at the ame time being dynamic.
3) Dont magnify problems.
4) Keeping corporate communication in line with over all goals and objectives of the company.

Post entry in the Indian sub-continent, Mc Donalds was faced with much hue and cry by the vegetarian groups in the country, on account of the allegations raised against it for frying chips in the same oil where in they used to fry their other non-veg products also. On this account Mc donalds later on went on giving a public apology and now guarantees its vegetarian products to be 100% vegetarian.

Chapter 2
Communicating Strategically

This chapter gives us the historical back ground of how strategic communication evolved. Rhetoric as the Greeks called it was an art getting the right message, through the right media, to the right audience at the right time. It defines the major frame work of communication, besides giving an overview of developing corporate communication strategies. In a nut shell it focuses on what is to be communicated, how is to be communicated and to whom it is to be communicated taking into account the limited factors like time, money, human resource and the company's over all goals and objectives.

My experience working in a software firm as Head – Business Development has taught me how to interact with the international clients and within the departments in the organization and with the employees. As I would be representing my company to the outside world communicating effectively is very important and necessary. The company’s reputation is based on the constituencies. As I interact with the clients and employees on the regular basis choosing a right communication channel is important and structuring the message and delivering the message at the right time is very essential to have a long term relation ship with the clients